· 25.01.2018 ·

Save the Date: ArchaeoMontan Final conference

The Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony will host the international conference „The Ore Mountains in the focus of mountain archaeology”. The conference is the final event of the ArchaeoMontan 2018 project that terminates in summer. The event takes place on 23 and 24 August 2018 in Dippoldiswalde, Germany.... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 16.01.2018 ·

Constructions finished in Krupka

Short before the end of 2017 constructions in Krupka (CZ) were finished and a refurbished building is now ready to get equipped to host an info-centre about the mining cultural landscape of the Ore Mountains. Meanwhile the exhibition to be hosted in a new museum in nearby Dippoldiswalde (DE) takes form as most design concepts were finalised. The... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 15.12.2017 ·

Partner meetings “ArchaeoMontan 2018” and “Our World Heritage” in Freiberg

On December 4 and 5, partners of the cross-border projects ArchaeoMontan 2018 and "Our World Heritage" met at Freiberg (DE) to coordinate the project realisation. For ArchaeoMontan 2018, the meeting was mainly used to plan the final activities of the project which terminates in August 2018. Partners of "Our World Heritage" in turn have only begun... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 17.08.2017 ·

The VirtualArch project has been launched

On the 26th and 27th of July the kick-off meeting of the VirtualArch project took place. The partners from 8 different European countries met in Prague to to get to know each other, to plan the first tasks as well as to deepen the management issues of the project. The main aim of the project is to find a strategy for using visualised... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Central Europe

· 03.04.2017 ·

Mid-term Conference of ArchaeoMontan 2018

More than 100 persons participated last Thursday and Friday at the international conference Krušná krajina – Erz(gebirgs)landschaft – Ore Landscape in the Czech city of Kadaň. The event was used to present the first results of the cross-border project investigating medieval mining in the Ore Mountains.... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 21.03.2017 ·

And the success story continues

core-consult has been successful with two applications in the second round of the INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE programme. Virtual Arch, led by the State Office for Archeology Saxony, will deal with new opportunities to use digital technologies (e.g. virtual reality) to visualise hidden cultural heritage. In the second project, SubNodes, the role of... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Central Europe

· 23.11.2016 ·

New discoveries in the Ore Mountains

When the ArchaeoMontan 2018 work group met on 21/11/2016 at Freiberg, partners were reporting a number of new archeological discoveries that were made in recent weeks. While Czech partners were able to prove the vast extension of the abandoned former medieval miners’ town near Kremsiger, a previously unknown system of mines was discovered below... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 13.09.2016 ·

Joint database for archaeologists’ research in the Ore Mountains

A work meeting on 12 September 2016 was used to elaborate a joint knowledge base (database) to collect archaeological findings regarding the medieval mining activities. The database will provide scientists active in both Saxony and the Czech Republic to store and research the results of the ArchaeoMontan 2018 project.... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 03.08.2016 ·

Constructions launched in Krupka

Surrounded by media representatives, Krupka’s mayor Dr. Zdeněk Matouš and Dr. Christiane Hemker, Head of Project ArchaeoMontan 2018, formally inaugurated the building site of the info-point in the Czech town. Constructions are expected to be finalised late in 2017. After completion, tourists will be able to find information about the planned... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 18.07.2016 ·

Travelling exhibition opened in Altzella

A travelling exhibition themed on medieval mining in the Ore Mountains, produced in 2014/2015 as result of the cross-border project ArchaeoMontan, has been opened in Altzella on 15 July 2016. There, the exhibition can be visited until 31 October... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic