· Eibenstock ·

Karlsroute: Cycling over the Ore Mountains to Karlovy Vary

The "Karlsroute" aims to realise a cross-border cycling route of the same name linking the cities of Aue (Germany) and Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic). The route will provide the missing link between the Mulde valley cycling route in Germany and the Eger valley route in the Czech Republic. In addition to a main route, a number of side tracks will be... read more

Topic: Tourism, Urban and rural development
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project management

· Oelsnitz/Erzgebirge ·

Former Mining Areas – Heritage and Opportunities: Mining and railway history as binding element of twinned towns in the Ore Mountains

The common mining and railroad history is a key aspect of the partnership between the twinned towns of Oelsnitz/Erzgeb. and Chodov and shall therefore be further investigated and communicated to local citizens with the help of this cross-border project. To this aim, a German-Czech meeting pavillon, also usable as a “green class room” for... read more

Topic: Tourism
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development, Project management

· Magdeburg ·

e-CREATE: Apps for mobile devices to promote tourism in rural areas

e-CREATE aims at increasing the competitiveness of service-oriented tourism enterprises in rural areas along cultural routes by promoting the use of new technologies. Based on the identification of good practices, the project elaborates policy recommendations addressing decision-makers on local and regional levels in order to provide a basis for... read more

Topic: Tourism, Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Europe
Service type: Project development, Project management

· Pirna ·

Swiss Saxony – an excellent cross-border tourist destination: Promotion of cross-border tourism in Swiss Saxony

The aim of this project with two partners, located in the Saxon - Czech border area, is to elaborate cross-border tourist management structures for the development of tourism in the border area. Common promotion and marketing activities as well as the linking of bilateral web-services will contribute to the further development of the tourism... read more

Topic: Tourism
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project management