· Dresden ·

VirtualArch: Virtual world to protect threatened cultural heritage

New approaches to digitalise and present invisible and threatened archeological cultural heritage are tested and realised in the framework of the project "VirtualArch" (INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE). The project partners aim to exploit digital visualisation and presentation of cultural heritage for purposes of regional development of their regions and... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Tourism
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Kamenz ·

Adventure science: Trigger the interest in natural sciences

The project aims to enhance the cooperation between cultural and educational actors of the border area and to increase the interest of students in natural sciences. Lead partner of the project is the Museum of Western Lusatia at Kamenz. Involved Polish partners are the Lusatian Museum at Zgorzelec and the Ceramic Museum at... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Education
Program: INTERREG Poland-Saxony

· Erfurt ·

ECRR: European Cultural Route of Reformation

2017 is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of his theses in Wittenberg. The rich cultural heritage of reformation in Central Europe shall be protected and further developed into a tourist offer, which shall result in an application for the formal recognition of a “European Cultural Route of Reformation” by the Council of... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Tourism
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Erfurt ·

ECRR: Networking the sites of the Reformation

core-consult was commissioned by the Thüringer Landgesellschaft mbH, Erfurt to elaborate a project to establish a transnational tourism route linking sites of the Reformation movement in Europe. The final route is aimed to become recognized by the Council of Europe as a European Cultural Route. core-consult was tasked to elaborate the project... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Tourism
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project development

· Dresden ·

VirtualArch: Archeology and virtual reality

core-consult is developing a transnational project on behalf of the Saxon State Office for Archeology that will be submitted in the second call of the INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE programme. Throughout Europe, archeological cultural heritage is under pressure. Objects found and research sites are in competition with other spatial functions, e.g.... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Tourism
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project development

· Dresden ·

ArchaeoMontan 2018: Institutionalising cross-border research of medieval mining activities in the Ore Mountains

The project ArchaeoMontan addresses the cross-border research of medieval mining in the Ore Mountains. Nine partners from Saxony and the Czech Republic work together in this transdisciplinary project. The project will lead to better knowledge regarding the first human settlements in the area and the role of mining activities. In parallel to the... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Tourism
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic

· Dresden ·

ArchaeoMontan: Researching medieval mining in the Ore Mountains

More than 25 experts in archaeology, history, geology, mineralogy and others from both the Czech Republic and Germany are collaborating over a period of about three years to investigate, research and present the medieval mining activities of the Ore Mountains. The project ArchaeoMontan aims to establish a long-term bi-national archaeological... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project management