· Zittau ·

ALiZi: Development region Zittau – Liberec

On behalf of HaskoningDHV, Prague (CZ), core-consult researched spatial data for the development of the agglomeration Liberec-Zittau. Furthermore, 25 phone interviews were carried out with regional stakeholders in Germany. The interviews aimed to identify approaches to strengthen the agglomeration and to promote its cross-border links. The study... read more

Topic: Urban and rural development
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Analysis and evaluations

· Dresden ·

Programme evaluation SN-CZ 2014-2020: Improvement of the programme management and implementation

The Managing authority of the cross-border cooperation programme between Saxony and the Czech Republic 2014-2020 (Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture) commissioned the evaluation of the funding programme. The evaluation aims to improve the quality of the programme implementation and management. core-consult is member of the... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Analysis and evaluations

· Freiberg ·

Unser WeltErbe: Die Montanregion Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří im Schulunterricht

Die Montanregion Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří bewirbt sich aktuell bei der UNESCO um die Anerkennung als Weltkulturerbe. Begleitend dazu werden in einem grenzüberschreitenden Projekt Materialien zur Vermittlung des Kulturerbes für den Schulunterricht erarbeitet. Neben Arbeitsblättern entstehen dabei auch interaktive Anwendungen. core-consult... read more

Topic: Education, Tourism
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic

· Eibenstock ·

Karlsroute II: Further developement of a binational cycling route

The City of Eibenstock tasked core-consult to develop a follow-up project to further advance the cross-border cycling route between Chemnitz and Karlovy Vary. Ten institutions from Germany and the Czech Republic participated in the project development process. Tasks of core-consult also included the application for funding from the national... read more

Topic: Tourism
Program: FR REGIO, INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development

· Eibenstock ·

Karlsroute II: Cycling route between Chemnitz and Karlovy Vary

The project aims at the further development and promotion of tourism along a cross-border cycling route linking Chemnitz (DE) and Karlovy Vary (CZ). The ‘Karlsroute’ follows mainly cycling paths which already exist, on the Saxon side mainly the cycling routes along the Mulde and Würschnitz river valleys. In addition to the main cross-border... read more

Topic: Tourism, Transport
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic

· Löbau ·

Florian 112: Civic protection across borders

On behalf of the City of Löbau core-consult elaborated a cross-border project with the Czech City of Rumburk to promote cooperation between the fire brigades and to enhance capacities of civil protection in case of natural disasters. core-consult has been responsible for the planning of activities and budgets, to draft the application and to... read more

Topic: Civic protection
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development

· Dresden ·

ArchaeoMontan 2018: Institutionalising cross-border research of medieval mining activities in the Ore Mountains

The project ArchaeoMontan addresses the cross-border research of medieval mining in the Ore Mountains. Nine partners from Saxony and the Czech Republic work together in this transdisciplinary project. The project will lead to better knowledge regarding the first human settlements in the area and the role of mining activities. In parallel to the... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Tourism
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic

· Dresden ·

ArchaeoMontan: Researching medieval mining in the Ore Mountains

More than 25 experts in archaeology, history, geology, mineralogy and others from both the Czech Republic and Germany are collaborating over a period of about three years to investigate, research and present the medieval mining activities of the Ore Mountains. The project ArchaeoMontan aims to establish a long-term bi-national archaeological... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project management

· Löbau ·

International Networks of the city of Löbau: Analysing international cooperation potentials of a Saxon city

Funded by the State of Saxony, core-consult investigates the international networks of the city of Löbau, its associations and communities. The study will help to identify themes for possible European projects for which funding from 2014-2020 programmes. Processing period: 04/2014 -... read more

Topic: Civic protection, Urban and rural development
Program: FR REGIO, INTERREG Poland-Saxony, INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Analysis and evaluations

· Oelsnitz/Erzgeb. ·

Recreation and Sport in the Ore Mountains: Twin cities collaborate to highlight their natural heritage

The successful cooperation of the twinned towns of Oelsnitz/Erzgeb. and Chodov is intensifying through this project which involves further stakeholders in the cooperation. Especially youth are addressed to seek a leading role in their towns’ ecological renewal. In parallel, a number of studies investigate the lasting impact of former mining... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities, Nature and environmental protection
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project management