· Annaberg-Buchholz ·

Silver Route: A tourism route to link UNESCO World Heritage sites

The cross-border project Silver Route aims at establishing tourism routes that link and capitalize UNESCO World Heritage sites in both the Saxon and Czech parts of the Ore Mountains. Lead partner of the project is the Tourism Association Erzgebirge. The project has been selected as a strategic project for the Saxon-Czech cooperation. core-consult... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Tourism
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development, Project management

· Sebnitz ·

Borderland Trails: Borderless mountainbiking

core-consult has elaborated the application for funding for a cross-border Interreg project between the City of Sebnitz (Lead partner), the City of Neustadt in Sachsen and the City of Dolní Poustevna to build a bikepark for mountainbiking. The trails will have a length of about 35 kilometers and offer different levels of difficulties for... read more

Topic: Tourism
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development

· Hohnstein ·

AquaRenatura: Connecting biotopes of the border area

core-consult unterstützt die Städte Hohnstein (Lead partner), Sebnitz und Dolní Poustevna bei der Beantragung von Fördermitteln aus dem neuen Interreg-Programm Sachsen-Tschechische Republik, um Teiche im Grenzgebiet ökologisch instandzusetzen und so einen zusammenhängenden Biotopverbund zu schaffen. Die Teiche sollen geschützten bzw.... read more

Topic: Nature and environmental protection
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development

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ArchaeoTin: Detecting the oldest mining activities in the Ore Mountains

core-consult developed the project concept and application for the project ArchaeoTin on behalf of its Lead partner, the Saxon State Office for Archeology, to seek funding from the new Interreg cross-border programme Saxony-Czech Republic 2021-2027. The project aims to research the beginning of mining activities in the Ore Mountains, specifically... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development, Project management

· Dresden ·

ArchaeoMontan @ School: Mountainous archeology in the classroom and extracurricular school activities

Sites of the UNESCO World Heritage at Dippoldiswalde and Měděnec are less known especially among young people living in the border region between the Czech Republic and Germany. The State Office for Archeology Saxony and the Archeological Institute Most therefore implement a cross-border project aiming to disseminate knowledge about the... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Education
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic

· Dresden ·

Archaeomontan @ School: Archaeology and World Heritage for the Youngest

The State Office for Archaology Saxony has tasked core-consult to elaborate a project application to disseminate archological findings regarding the World Heritage sites in the Ore Mountains on the Czech-German border to youth. Project activities will focus on sites at Dippoldiswalde and Měděnec and address youth, schools and other multipliers.... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Education
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development

· Freiberg ·

Bergbau / Hornictví SN-CZ: German and Czech authorities exchange on mining

core-consult has elebaorated a project application on behalf of the Saxon Mining Authority to promote a cross-border exchange regarding the administration of mining projects. Partner on the Czech side is the Ústí Region. Project activities include joint workshops, site visits and expert articles on mining issues. In addition, a travelling... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development

· Dresden ·

Justice CZ-SN: Institutional cooperation of the judiciary

On behalf of the Saxon State Ministry of the Judiciary core-consult supports the preparation of a project application to enhance the institutional cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. The project work plan foresees joint workshops and job shadowing between correctional facilities and attorney's offices of the two... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development

· Dresden ·

Archiv-Net: Strengthening historical research in the Ore Mountains

Researchers interested in the medieval history of the Ore Mountains can find relevant materials in a number of archives and museums located in Germany and the Czech Republic which are managed by different bodies and where research conditions are consequentely differentiating. Until now, no comprehensive overview over the different institutions... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Institutional capacities
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic

· Dresden ·

Archiv-Net: Networking archives

On behalf of the Saxon State Office for Archeology core-consult developed a project application to strengthen historical research about mining activities in the Ore Mountains. The project draft foresees joint workshops in archives and museums which result in a practical guideline for researchers. A further activity is aimed at joint analysis of... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Institutional capacities
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development