· Leipzig ·

ARRIVAL REGIONS: Integration by social innovation

ARRIVAL REGIONS is led by the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography. Here, 13 partners aim to find innovative approaches to promote the social and economic integration of non-EU-nationals, including refugees, who live in rural areas. The transnational project with a consortium of 13 partner institutions is supported by core-consult als External... read more

Topic: Demographic change, Integration, Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Magdeburg ·

YOUMOBIL: Mobility of young people in rural areas

Eight partners are working together in the YOUMOBIL project to promote the mobility of young people living in rural areas as a means to prevent their migration from these areas. Lead Partner of the project is the Ministry for Regional Development and Transport of Saxony-Anhalt. core-consult supports the implementation of the transnational propject... read more

Topic: Demographic change, Transport, Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Nuremberg ·

DaRe 2 Connect (D2C): Biotopes along the Green Belt of Europe

Partners from Germany, Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic implement the D2C project to promote the networking of biotopes along the Green Belt of Europe, the continent's former Iron Curtain. Using innovative GIS data application ecological corridors are identified and evaluated regarding their eco services. After successfully developing the... read more

Topic: Nature and environmental protection, Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Danube Region
Service type: Project management

· Erfurt ·

SubNodes: Conncecting the hinterland to the Transeuropean Railway Network

All over Europe rail-hubs along the trans-European transport corridors (TEN-T) have evolved. Between these nodes they guarantee fast and connected traveling, often by high-speed trains. But what about the hinterland regions of these hubs? That's where SubNodes comes into play. Suitable medium-sized cities shall be developed into attractive... read more

Topic: Transport, Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Dresden ·

VirtualArch: Virtual world to protect threatened cultural heritage

New approaches to digitalise and present invisible and threatened archeological cultural heritage are tested and realised in the framework of the project "VirtualArch" (INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE). The project partners aim to exploit digital visualisation and presentation of cultural heritage for purposes of regional development of their regions and... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Tourism
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Magdeburg ·

ChemMultimodal: Sustainable freight transport for the chemical industry

Public authorities, industry associations and universities from Central Europe collaborate in the ChemMultimodal project to promote sustainable freight transport solutions for the chemical industry. The project aims to contribute to a modal shift leading to a decrease of the transport-related CO2 footprint of the industry and increased transport... read more

Topic: Transport
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Erfurt ·

ECRR: European Cultural Route of Reformation

2017 is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of his theses in Wittenberg. The rich cultural heritage of reformation in Central Europe shall be protected and further developed into a tourist offer, which shall result in an application for the formal recognition of a “European Cultural Route of Reformation” by the Council of... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Tourism
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Magdeburg ·

RUMOBIL: Connecting peripheral areas through public transport

RUMOBIL is based on transnational cooperation between public authorities and their transport entities who are confronted with a similar challenge to respond to pressures on regional public transport systems caused by demographic change in peripheral areas. Working together in RUMOBIL will provide them a platform to exchange their knowledge, to... read more

Topic: Demographic change, Transport, Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Magdeburg ·

WOMEN: Women are future

The project WOMEN aims to find solutions to limit a further brain-drain of young females from rural areas already severely challenged by demographic change. The project is designed to improve pull-factors discouraging outbound migration of young females. The approach hereby is to enhance the conditions that allow young women to participate in... read more

Topic: Demographic change
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Dresden ·

ArchaeoMontan: Researching medieval mining in the Ore Mountains

More than 25 experts in archaeology, history, geology, mineralogy and others from both the Czech Republic and Germany are collaborating over a period of about three years to investigate, research and present the medieval mining activities of the Ore Mountains. The project ArchaeoMontan aims to establish a long-term bi-national archaeological... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project management