Project development
Opening new perspectives
Municipalities and regional public authorities often feel left alone with current challenges, yet others throughout Europe are facing the same questions. We establish contacts to peers in other European countries and elaborate the necessary work and budget plans for a multiannual collaboration to allow searching together for solutions to those challenges.
In recent years, core-consult has successfuly developed numerous project applications for different European and national funding programmes. Time and again we broke into different themes including for example climate protection, opportunities resulting from international migration and public transport. Our European network and our team’s intercultural competencies allow the quick identification and integration of competent and dedicated partner institutions. Our long experience will be at your service throughout all stages of a project development process, including the completion of the application form to apply for funding.
If you have an idea for an European cooperation project and you need assistance to apply for EU funding please do not hesitate to contact us.
References in Project development

Silver Route: A tourism route to link UNESCO World Heritage sites
Topic: Cultural heritage, TourismProgram: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic

Fragiles Erbe/ Kruche dziedzictwo: New climate change adaptation measures in the field of archaeological heritage
Topic: Climate protection, Cultural heritageProgram: INTERREG Poland-Saxony

Borderland Trails: Borderless mountainbiking
Topic: TourismProgram: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic

MILEstone: Labour market integration of non-EU nationals
Topic: IntegrationProgram: Interreg Europe

AquaRenatura: Connecting biotopes of the border area
Topic: Nature and environmental protectionProgram: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic

ArchaeoTin: Detecting the oldest mining activities in the Ore Mountains
Topic: Cultural heritageProgram: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic

Rail4Regions: Putting freight on rail
Topic: TransportProgram: Interreg Central Europe

Green Industrial Areas: Decarbonisation of business activities
Topic: Climate protectionProgram: Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Archaeomontan @ School: Archaeology and World Heritage for the Youngest
Topic: Cultural heritage, EducationProgram: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic

Bergbau / Hornictví SN-CZ: German and Czech authorities exchange on mining
Topic: Institutional capacitiesProgram: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic