· Warsaw ·

Cities on Power: Citizen participation to become leaders in climate change

“Cities on Power” promotes the use of renewable energy in urban areas. The four participating cities and regions: Warsaw, Klagenfurt, Ravenna and Turin, will prepare together local action plans to boost renewable energy. They will also deliver an interactive tool to support citizens in the decision making on new ways of energy supply. In this... read more

Topic: Climate protection, Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Freiberg ·

VODAMIN: Pit water as resource and threat in former mining areas

The project with 4 partners from Czech Republic and Germany addresses the problem of interventions in the natural water regime in regions heavily influenced by mining activities in the Saxon-Czech border area. Besides the monitoring and analysis of the hydrological and ecological situation in the mining areas Oelsnitz/Lugau, East Saxony and... read more

Topic: Nature and environmental protection
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project management

· Erfurt ·

GREENNET: Nature protection and rural development along the European Green Belt

The main and overarching objective of the project GREENNET with 11 partners from 11 European regions is to support and strengthen policies, strategies and approaches to safeguard an interlinked ecological network with a special focus on non-protected ecologically valuable areas without a formal protection status in the Central European Green Belt.... read more

Topic: Nature and environmental protection
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project development, Project management

· Magdeburg ·

YURA: Mobilising and supporting youth in rural areas

The demographic change caused by an already ongoing ageing of the population and simultanious migration tendencies constitutes surely one of the biggest challences Central European Regions will have to face in the coming years. Beside the provision of an adequate social infrastructure by the public sector it becomes more and more obvious that... read more

Topic: Demographic change, Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Leipzig ·

City Regions: Peri-urban collaboration in urban agglomerations

City Regions aims to enhance the co-operation within Central European metropolitan agglomerations in the domains of transport and land use management. The Saxon State Ministry of the Interior had contracted core-consult to assist and advice in the development of a transnational project. In close co-operation with the City of Leipzig as Lead... read more

Topic: Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project development

· Rome ·

Administrative and financial closure of the CADSES INTERREG IIIB Programme: Final reporting and closure of a transnational EU programme

core-consult provided advice and support concerning the administrative and technical closure of the INTERREG III B CADSES Programme, that was managed by Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport in Rom. Activities included in particular the assessment of final project reports as well as the support of programme committees and projects regarding... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Analysis and evaluations

· Budapest ·

Analysis on administration costs: Evaluation of lump-sum overhead funding

The South East Europe Programme envisages introducing the simplified costs model (overhead costs charged on a flat-rate basis) at least for the last 2 call for proposals. To this end and according to the EC proposal it is also possible to determine the maximum flat rate at programme level based on previous experiences of similar programmes... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities
Program: Interreg Danube Region
Service type: Analysis and evaluations

· Vienna ·

Cross-Programme Analysis: How to avoid, detect and follow up on errors or irregularities in EU structural funds

core-consult supports INTERACT carrying out a cross-programme analysis concerning irregularities, recoveries and decommitment together with several Territorial Cooperation Programmes. The project is considered a learning exercise, focusing on the exchange of experience and good practices among the participating programs. Topics addressed by the... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities
Service type: Analysis and evaluations

· Pirna ·

Swiss Saxony – an excellent cross-border tourist destination: Promotion of cross-border tourism in Swiss Saxony

The aim of this project with two partners, located in the Saxon - Czech border area, is to elaborate cross-border tourist management structures for the development of tourism in the border area. Common promotion and marketing activities as well as the linking of bilateral web-services will contribute to the further development of the tourism... read more

Topic: Tourism
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project management

· Kirnitzschtal ·

Together despite flooding: Cross-border disaster control in the Swiss Saxony

core-consult supports and advises the applicant, Municipality of Kirnitzschtal (DE), in the development of the project which aims to improve the coordination of common actions in disaster control, to undertake joint measures in danger prevention, and to bundle resources for rescue services. core-consult is responsible for the project... read more

Topic: Civic protection
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development