· Leipzig ·

Arrival Regions: Refugees in rural areas

In recent times, Central Europe has experienced a strong influx of refugees. Though they could positively impact the demographics of rural areas, their social and economic integration there is much more challenging. Novel solutions based on social innovation shall therefore be developed and tested in an INTERREG project. The Leibniz Institute for... read more

Topic: Demographic change, Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project development

· Erfurt ·

OptiTrans: Exchange of experience for the design of public transport

The Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture of Thuringia has tasked core-consult with the elaboration of a project to apply for funding for an exchange of experience regarding the design of public transport in peri-urban areas. core-consult's tasks includes the elaboration of the project concept, partner search and integration, activity and... read more

Topic: Transport
Program: Interreg Europe
Service type: Project development

· Nürnberg ·

Dare 2 Connect: Promotion of the European Green Belt

core-consult has developed the D2C (Dare 2 Connect) project which has been submitted to apply for funding under the 2nd call of the Danube Region Transnational Programme. The project aims to improve the links between Nature 2000 protected areas along the European Green Belt in the Danube Region. D2C will bring together environmental protection... read more

Topic: Nature and environmental protection
Program: Interreg Danube Region
Service type: Project development

· Kajaani ·

BRIDGES: Bridging competence infrastructure gaps in the bio economy

The interregional projects brings together nine partners who elaborate and exchange about measures to promote innovation in their bio-economy as contribution to the implementation of the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS3). core-consult will moderate an internal peer review of the project and contribute to the elaboration of a methodology for the... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities, Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Europe
Service type: Analysis and evaluations

· Dresden ·

VirtualArch: Virtual world to protect threatened cultural heritage

New approaches to digitalise and present invisible and threatened archeological cultural heritage are tested and realised in the framework of the project "VirtualArch" (INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE). The project partners aim to exploit digital visualisation and presentation of cultural heritage for purposes of regional development of their regions and... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Tourism
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Dresden ·

Programme evaluation SN-CZ 2014-2020: Improvement of the programme management and implementation

The Managing authority of the cross-border cooperation programme between Saxony and the Czech Republic 2014-2020 (Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture) commissioned the evaluation of the funding programme. The evaluation aims to improve the quality of the programme implementation and management. core-consult is member of the... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Analysis and evaluations

· Freiberg ·

Unser WeltErbe: Die Montanregion Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří im Schulunterricht

Die Montanregion Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří bewirbt sich aktuell bei der UNESCO um die Anerkennung als Weltkulturerbe. Begleitend dazu werden in einem grenzüberschreitenden Projekt Materialien zur Vermittlung des Kulturerbes für den Schulunterricht erarbeitet. Neben Arbeitsblättern entstehen dabei auch interaktive Anwendungen. core-consult... read more

Topic: Education, Tourism
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic

· Eibenstock ·

Karlsroute II: Further developement of a binational cycling route

The City of Eibenstock tasked core-consult to develop a follow-up project to further advance the cross-border cycling route between Chemnitz and Karlovy Vary. Ten institutions from Germany and the Czech Republic participated in the project development process. Tasks of core-consult also included the application for funding from the national... read more

Topic: Tourism
Program: FR REGIO, INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development

· Magdeburg ·

ChemMultimodal: Sustainable freight transport for the chemical industry

Public authorities, industry associations and universities from Central Europe collaborate in the ChemMultimodal project to promote sustainable freight transport solutions for the chemical industry. The project aims to contribute to a modal shift leading to a decrease of the transport-related CO2 footprint of the industry and increased transport... read more

Topic: Transport
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Löbau ·

Kom(m)ando “Zur Hilfe! / Na pomoc”: Help your neighbour in desaster management

In recent years, the areas close to the Saxon-Polish border were affected more than average by severe weather conditions, especially strong rainfall leading to flash flooding. As such conditions usually occur only locally, desaster management has been identified as a priority area for mutual support between local municipalities. In the... read more

Topic: Civic protection, Institutional capacities
Program: INTERREG Poland-Saxony