· Löbau ·

Kom(m)ando – Together for Climate change mitigation: Cross-border civil protection

In the project " Kom(m)ando - Together for Climate change mitigation" the City of Löbau and the District of Luban will intensify their collaboration in civil protection. In addition to joint exercises and trainings involving the youth brigades the project aims to sensitize the local population about risks posed by severe weather phenomena.... read more

Topic: Climate protection
Program: INTERREG Poland-Saxony
Service type: Project development

· Dresden ·

TransGredio: Exchange about economic transition in Lusatia

TransGredio addresses the structural economic transition process in Lusatia that results from the decision to halt the excravation of coal on the German side and a planned investment programme to promote the economic transition with billions of Euro. In the project, the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development and the Marshall Office of the... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities, Urban and rural development
Program: INTERREG Poland-Saxony
Service type: Project development

· Erfurt ·

REIF: Revitalisation of rail infrastructure

Cargo transport shall be shifted to rail, but frequently the big industries are already disconnected from the rail network. The Thuringia Ministry of Infrastructure and Agriculture, in co-operation with another 6 European regions, intends to find new solutions to this challenge. core-consult was contracted for the project and finance management of... read more

Topic: Transport
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Magdeburg ·

RegiaMobil: Rethinking public transport in rural areas

On behalf of the Ministry for Regional Development and Transport of Saxony-Anhalt core-consult elaborated a project application for the 4th call of the Interreg Central Europe programme. The RegiaMobil project aims at the capitalisation of innovative approaches in public transport of rural areas between different regions of Central Europe.... read more

Topic: Transport
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project development

· Pirna ·


core-consult supports Sachsenforst, the State of Saxony’s Forest Management Authority, in the coordination and management of a project financed by national forest climate funds. The project, in which the State Office for Archeology of Saxony and the Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald are further partners, aims to analyse woods found in... read more

Topic: Climate protection
Program: Forest Climate Fund

· Bautzen ·

1000 years Upper Lusatia- people, castles, towns: Presenting cultural heritage

Poland and Saxony share the biggest part of Upper Lusatia, a cultural region with a long tradition. Due to the border as well as language and institutional barriers there is hitherto no integrated presentation of the region’s cultural heritage. The project intends to change that. Led by the Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony, 6 partners... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Education
Program: INTERREG Poland-Saxony

· Leipzig ·

ARRIVAL REGIONS: Integration by social innovation

ARRIVAL REGIONS is led by the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography. Here, 13 partners aim to find innovative approaches to promote the social and economic integration of non-EU-nationals, including refugees, who live in rural areas. The transnational project with a consortium of 13 partner institutions is supported by core-consult als External... read more

Topic: Demographic change, Integration, Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Magdeburg ·

YOUMOBIL: Mobility of young people in rural areas

Eight partners are working together in the YOUMOBIL project to promote the mobility of young people living in rural areas as a means to prevent their migration from these areas. Lead Partner of the project is the Ministry for Regional Development and Transport of Saxony-Anhalt. core-consult supports the implementation of the transnational propject... read more

Topic: Demographic change, Transport, Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management

· Dresden ·

Justice CZ-SN: Institutional cooperation of the judiciary

On behalf of the Saxon State Ministry of the Judiciary core-consult supports the preparation of a project application to enhance the institutional cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. The project work plan foresees joint workshops and job shadowing between correctional facilities and attorney's offices of the two... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development

· Kamenz ·

Science as Adventure: Communication of archeology in schools

core-consult has elaborated an application for funding from the INTERREG programme Poland-Saxony 2014-2020 (priority axis on vocational training and lifelong learning) on behalf of the District Office of Bautzen. The project addresses the communication of archeological findings and cultural heritage in the role of natural sciences in their... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Education
Program: INTERREG Poland-Saxony
Service type: Project development