· Schwerin ·

Green Industrial Areas: Decarbonisation of business activities

Amid climate change, the success of the battle to reduce further global warming is bound to the decarbonisation of business activities. Industrial areas, where companies of different branches work door to door, offer good opportunities to achieve first steps as businesses can support each other and seize potentials of industrial symbiosis (e.g.... read more

Topic: Climate protection
Program: Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Service type: Project development, Project management

· Krefeld ·

Generation D: Certification of care products

core-consult supports the Alexian GmbH Krefeld in the project and financial management of the project "Generation D" in the final semester of its lifetime and the project closure phase. The 11 partners of the project worked together on testing and certifying products to ease the care of persons with dementia. Website Lifetime: October 2022 -... read more

Topic: Health care
Program: Interreg Northwest Europe

· Baden ·

D-Care Labs: core-consult on a training and support mission

In the period September 2021-January 2022 core-consult supported the Diakonie Baden, Karlsruhe in financial management and in the training of a new staff member within the transnational Danube region project "D-Care Labs". Due to staff shortages, there was an acute need. Managing Director Peter Schulenkorf: "It was a matter of course for us to... read more

Topic: Health care
Program: Interreg Danube Region

· Dresden ·

ArchaeoMontan @ School: Mountainous archeology in the classroom and extracurricular school activities

Sites of the UNESCO World Heritage at Dippoldiswalde and Měděnec are less known especially among young people living in the border region between the Czech Republic and Germany. The State Office for Archeology Saxony and the Archeological Institute Most therefore implement a cross-border project aiming to disseminate knowledge about the... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Education
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic

· Freyung ·

Study Digi4Care: Analysis of digitalisation of elderly care

core-consult has been awarded with the contract to carry out a comparative analysis regarding the structure and progress of digitaliation of elderly care by the association of the Euroregion Danube-Moldova. As part of the task core-consult will set up and manage an multilingual online survey and conduct interviews with experts from Bavaria, the... read more

Service type: Analysis and evaluations

· Dresden ·

Transgredio: Impacts of the structural changes in Lusatia

The Transgredio project addresses the impacts of the structural changes due to the halt of coal mining in Germany and planned supplementary investments.Its Lead partner is the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development with the Marshall Office of the Lesser Silesian Voivodeship participating as project partner. The project's work plan foresees... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities, Urban and rural development
Program: INTERREG Poland-Saxony

· Dresden ·

Archaeomontan @ School: Archaeology and World Heritage for the Youngest

The State Office for Archaology Saxony has tasked core-consult to elaborate a project application to disseminate archological findings regarding the World Heritage sites in the Ore Mountains on the Czech-German border to youth. Project activities will focus on sites at Dippoldiswalde and Měděnec and address youth, schools and other multipliers.... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Education
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development

· Freiberg ·

Bergbau / Hornictví SN-CZ: German and Czech authorities exchange on mining

core-consult has elebaorated a project application on behalf of the Saxon Mining Authority to promote a cross-border exchange regarding the administration of mining projects. Partner on the Czech side is the Ústí Region. Project activities include joint workshops, site visits and expert articles on mining issues. In addition, a travelling... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities
Program: INTERREG Saxony-Czech Republic
Service type: Project development

· Löbau ·

Kommando 2: Enhancing civil protection to improve climate change resiliance

In this cross-border project the City of Löbau and the District of Luban collaborate in questions of civil protection against dangers associated with climate change (e.g. torrential rain, inundations, wild fires). Project funding is used to enhance the capacities of local fire brigades and awareness raising measures aim at members of the youth... read more

Topic: Civic protection, Climate protection
Program: INTERREG Poland-Saxony

· Dresden ·

RegiaMobil: Cooperating on transport to better connect Central Europe

Project RegiaMobil aims to increase the mobility of people living in rural areas through smart public transport solutions and thus improve their access to European and national transport networks. It focuses on improving accessibility of peripheral and border regions to TEN-T and CNC. The Saxon State Ministry of Regional Development, in... read more

Topic: Transport
Program: Interreg Central Europe
Service type: Project management