· 21.02.2020 ·

1000 years Upper Lusatia- People, Castles, Towns lays ground for teaser exhibition in the border region

Partners assembled for the 2nd project team meeting in Wroclaw on 14 Feb 2020. With the start-up phase successfully completed the focus is now on the implementation of the envisaged teaser exhibition, that will be shown at 7+ frequented locations in the project area. It will inform local people on the upcoming events and exhibitions.... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Education
Program: Saxony-Poland

· 10.02.2020 ·

Discussion about different rail infrastructures for freight transport

The different framework conditions for the promotion of rail freight transport were in the centre of discussions of the partners of the REIF project when they met on 4 and 5 February 2020 in Ljubljana. Before the meeting partners had prepared baseline studies as basis for the future project work. Partners furthermore visited the industrial area of... read more

Topic: Transport
Program: Central Europe

20191205_103325 (2)
· 11.12.2019 ·

Partner meeting at mid-term in Boleslawiec

On 05.12.2019 the partners of the Science as an Adventure project met in Boleslawiec. After 18 months, the museums participating in the project realized 15 educational programs with 2700 participants. In order for a new people to be able to benefit from those programmes, workshops with educational and cultural institutions are currently being... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Education
Program: Saxony-Poland

· 11.12.2019 ·

Another success in Round 4

Starting in 2020, the project RegioMobil will tackle the transfer of approaches to strengthen public transport in rural areas. Lead partner of the project is the Ministry for Regional Development and Transport of Saxony-Anhalt. In each of four calls of the programme core-consult has hence been successful with at least one project... read more

Topic: Transport
Program: Central Europe

· 10.12.2019 ·

Media tour of the Saxon-Lower Silesian Border Area

Almost 20 representatives of local and national media from Germany and Poland responded to an invitation of the Saxon State Ministry of the Interior and the Marshall Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodship to participate in a media tour of the Saxon-Lower Silesian border area on December 5th and 6th, 2019. On different locations they learned how... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 02.12.2019 ·

On the verge of launching the action plans

The OptiTrans partnership met in Erfurt on 29-20 Nov 2019 for the final project event of phase 1. In the coming two years the implementation of the elaborated action plans will be monitored, aiming at the improvement of the public transport system in the regions through the effective use of funding... read more

Topic: Transport
Program: Interreg Europe

· 27.11.2019 ·

Archives and collections in Karlovy Vary

The Regional Archive of Karlovy Vary and the municipality's Museum of Karlovy Vary were destinations of a site-visit of the partners of the Archiv-Net project on November 26th, 2019. On site, participants learned about the history and legal framework of archives of the Czech Republic and the archeological collection of the local museum. Another... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Urban and rural development
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 25.11.2019 ·

Explore the World beneath the surface: Inauguration of a media station at MiBERZ

The medieval mines of Dippoldiswalde are part of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage "Mining Cultural Landscape Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří" symbolizing the oldest legacies of mining activities in Saxony. As they can no longer be visited by the public, modern technologies are used to allow nevertheless their exploration. The first two items of the... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Central Europe

Arrival Pilsen
· 25.11.2019 ·

What do we understsand as “integration”?

This question was subject of a lively debate among the participatns of the second transnational partner meeting of the ARRIVAL REGIONS project which took place between November 20th and 22nd, 2019, in Pilsen (CZ). The project aims at improving the social and economic integration of non-EU nationals, hence refugees and migrant workers alike.... read more

Topic: Urban and rural development
Program: Central Europe

· 22.11.2019 ·

Partner meeting and excursion to the European Green Belt

Project partners of the transnational Danube area project D2C-Dare2Connect met between the 29th and 31st of October 2019 for an international project partner meeting in Virovitica, Croatia right at the croatian-hungarian Green Belt. All partners shortly presented the findings of the field studies they carried out and outlined the further strategy.... read more

Topic: Nature and environmental protection
Program: Danube Region