· 11.06.2020 ·

Presentation of Burgenland district‘s pilot action

The concept of the ARRIVAL REGIONS pilot action to be implemented in the Burgenland district in Central Germany was presented and discussed with participating stakeholders representing local associations and educational institutions on 10 June 2020 in Naumburg. The concept is based on a good practice from Sweden and consists of the organization of... read more

Topic: Demographic change
Program: Central Europe

· 06.05.2020 ·

Cross-border home office

The current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic also had a significant impact on the INTERREG project of 1000 years of Upper Lusatia - people, castles, towns. Despite adversities, the project team is still active - this time at home in front of the computer and with the phone in hand. After three weeks of lockdown the team can again work more... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Education
Program: Saxony-Poland

core Gesellschafter sitzend
· 04.05.2020 ·

How the covid-19 virus changes our daily work

Regular physical meetings are normally an important activity in both cross-border and transnational projects. They provide for an exchange among partners and allow the planning of joint activities. During the current covid-19 health crisis such meetings are obviously impossible. To foster the continued European cooperation in our projects we are... read more

Program: general news

Logo Interreg PL SN
· 21.04.2020 ·

Monitoring Committee approves two new projects

The Monitoring Committee of the Interreg cross-border cooperation programme between Poland and Saxony 2014-2020 approved two new projects elaborated by core-consult in a written procedure. The first one, "TransGredio" addresses the structural economic transition process in Lusatia. Here, the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development and the... read more

Program: Saxony-Poland

· 23.03.2020 ·

Covid-19 Emergency – We continue to be at your service!

Despite the restrictions to contain the covid-19 desease core-consult continues its task and remains at the service of our clients. Using digital means we aim to minimize the impact of this unprecedented situation for our projects. You can contact us as always by email or telephone during office hours. In addition, we are coordinating virtual... read more

Program: general news

· 12.03.2020 ·

Fresh ideas for Weißenfels station

School students from Weißenfels have been invited to contribute their ideas for a revitalisation of the train station building in Weißenfels. The workshop took place on 4 March 2020 within the YOUMOBIL project. Students first had the opportunity to investigate the vacant station building and thereafter participated in a workshop to collect first... read more

Topic: Transport
Program: Central Europe

· 12.03.2020 ·

Presentations in Jáchymov and Boží Dar

Results of the project "Our World Heritage" were presented on 5 Märchen 2020 to interested stakeholders im Jáchymov and  Boží Dar. Those include an interactive map, knowledge sheets about the UNESCO World Heritage programme, and materials for schools. Both events were attended by more than 20... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Education
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 26.02.2020 ·

Final meeting in Wroclaw

Partners of the MineLife project had their last meeting during the project's lifetime on February 24th, 2020, in Wroclaw. Together the partners had organised ten excursions and two conferences, exchanged ten articles about mining administration, produced a travelling exhibition and brochures, and conducted four workshops to elaborate a guideline... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities
Program: Saxony-Poland

· 26.02.2020 ·

Learning from pilots at Bratislava meeting

Now that all 6 pilot actions are finished the project partners met in Bratislava on 19-20 Feb 2020 to exchange on what can be learned from the practical experimentation of new approaches towards developing secondary public transport hubs in the project regions.  As a common conclusion word has it that one of the most important outcomes was... read more

Topic: Transport
Program: Central Europe

· 24.02.2020 ·

Unleashing World Heritage potentials

The presentation of educational and communication tools to pass on knowledge about the UNESCO World Hertitage Ore Mountains on Februar 22nd, in Krupka, highlighted the needs in both the German and Czech parts of the territory. Especially non-profit associations and schools requested specific support to be able to contribute to a full unleashing of... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic