· 29.03.2023 ·

Industrial symbiosis in the focus

On March 28th and 29th, 2023, the partners of the GreenIndustrialAreas project met in Kalundborg (DK) and Malmö (SE) to exchange about potentials for industrial symbiosis in industrial areas. The event was the first time the project partners met in person after several online meetings in the first weeks of the project lifetime. The partners also... read more

Topic: Climate protection
Program: Baltic Sea Region

Hamburg BSR
· 24.10.2022 ·

Programme kick-off in Hamburg

core-consult participated in the first Programme Conference of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme on 18 October 2022 in Hamburg. During the event we met with partners from several projects and had a chance to exchange with officers of the Joint Secretariat. During the event the launch of the 2nd call for project was announced.... read more

Program: Baltic Sea Region

· 24.10.2022 ·

Fire brigade exercise in Löbau

When a long line of fire trucks zigzagged its way to Löbau last Saturday (22/10/22) many residents asked themselves what might be happening. It was not just Löbau's fire brigade but trucks from a number of fire brigades from different towns in the Luban district in Poland who had come to Löbau for a joint exercise. The fire brigades practised... read more

Topic: Civic protection, Climate protection
Program: Saxony-Poland

Logo Interreg PL SN
· 28.09.2022 ·

Structural change: the great challenge in the Saxon-Polish border region

How should the border region of Lusatia - Lower Silesia reposition itself in the light of the German coal phase-out? This was also the topic of intense discussion at the final conference of the TransGredio project in Boleslawiec (26.09.2022). On the Polish side in particular, there are strong fears of being left behind economically by the planned... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities, Urban and rural development
Program: Saxony-Poland

· 23.06.2022 ·

Reviewing digitisation in rural areas

Partners of the SKILLS+ project (Interreg Europe) met on June 14th, 2022, in Tangerhütte and Stendal (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) for a peer review of local digitisation strategies and a partner workshop. Before noon, speakers provided insights in efforts to digitalise the local public administration, to provide broadband access through fibre-optic... read more

Topic: Urban and rural development
Program: Interreg Europe

RegiaMobil BXL
· 20.05.2022 ·

Final event in Brussels

After the pandemic has made in-person meetings of the partners of the RegiaMobil project impossible for most of its lifetime, almost all partners have been able to attend the project's final event on May 19th, 2022, in Brussels. There, partners presented the outcomes of the project and discussed current and future challenges to public transport... read more

Topic: Transport
Program: Central Europe

AMaS Medenec
· 20.05.2022 ·

Exploring the Ore Mountains’ World Heritage

Since 2019 the Mountain Region Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří has the status of a UNESCO World Heritage site, including lesser known sites such as the former mining region of Vrch Mĕdník (Kupferberg). In the project "ArchaeoMontan @ School" the Saxon State Office of Archaeology and the Institute for Archaeology Most (UAPP) aim to make their knowledge... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage, Education
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 18.03.2022 ·

Project final event in Weißenfels

With a hybrid final event on March 17th, 2022, in Weißenfels and online the YOUMOBIL project has ended. During the conference the results of the project were presented, including a study analysing how the pandemic has had an impact on the mobility patterns of young people. Presentations and photos from the event are available for download on the... read more

Topic: Demographic change, Transport
Program: Central Europe

· 25.02.2022 ·

Movie premiere and Partner meeting in Torino

Partners of the Arrival Regions project met on 15 and 16 February 2022 in Torino and Torre Pellice, Italy, to co-elaborate the project's final tool-box and to participate in the premiere of a short movie produced to highlight the project. The event furthermore provided the opportunity to exchange with the responsibles and beneficiaries of a pilot... read more

Topic: Urban and rural development
Program: Central Europe

· 25.01.2022 ·

Digital message receivers and a movable flood barrier for Löbau’s fire brigade

Löbau's fire brigade received new digital message receivers to improve its response speed and a movable flood barrier. The investments were financed through the Polish-Saxon cross-border project "Kommando". Further investments to better protect human lifes and material goods in events of extreme weather will be made during 2022 by both the City... read more

Topic: Civic protection, Climate protection
Program: Saxony-Poland