· 15.12.2014 ·

Three more months to enhance the cooperation between Saxony and Lower Silesia

The Managing Authority of the objective 3 program for the promotion of cross-border cooperation between Poland and Saxony appreciated the achieved results of the project “Together for the Border Area Lower Silesia – Saxony” and granted the project an additional lifetime of three months until March 2015. The extension period will be used to... read more

· 04.12.2014 ·

New programme CENTRAL EUROPE ready for take-off

The Joint Secretariat of the new transnational programme for Central Europe will be inaugurated shortly. Among its first tasks is the management of the 1st Call for Proposals. The programme’s Monitoring Committee had already decided to grant about 70 million Euro in ERDF funding in the first call. Now, further details were announced: The call... read more

Program: general news

· 25.11.2014 ·

Minister Webel participated in WOMEN’s final event

The minister for regional development and transport of Saxony-Anhalt, Thomas Webel, demonstrated his appreciation of the project's results in his participation at WOMEN's final event at Stainz (Styria) where he and other participants got an overview about the realised pilot measures which aimed at improving carreer and employment opportunities of... read more

· 20.11.2014 ·

Successful project closure

Recently the VODAMIN project terminated. In this project, core-consult was subcontracted by the Saxon Mining Office. Thanks to core-consult’s services, the state office could spend 97 per cent of the proposed budget with all expenditure being approved by the responsible control bodies. Furthermore, all planed activities were realized and the... read more

· 13.11.2014 ·

Quick progress in preparation of ArchaeoMontan’s follow-up project

Old and new partners of the ArchaeoMontan network met yesterday at Krupka (CZ) to coordinate final cross-border activities of the ongoing ArchaeoMontan project and to prepare a follow-up project. Highlights of the meeting included the welcoming address by the freshly reelected mayor of Krupka, Dr. Zdeněk Matouš, and the presentation of a stone... read more

· 11.11.2014 ·

Thousands of visitors at cross-border fair in Löbau

Last weekend, thousands of people were attrackted by the 2nd cross-border agricultural fair took place at Löbau. The fair consisted out of an exhibition of more than 1,000 small breeding animals and a fair where products from rural areas of Eastern Saxony and Lower Silesia were presented. The event took place within a cross-border project... read more

Program: general news

· 10.11.2014 ·

A project comes to an end. And now?

It is only natural that an EU project eventually comes to an end, usually after a lifetime of three years. If the project has been successful, this is the point when the achieved results can be presented. On 4 November 2014, the administration of the Ústí Region invited stakeholder to a workshop for this purpose. After the participants undertook... read more

· 27.10.2014 ·

Silberrausch und Berggeschrey

Im Rahmen der Abschlusskonferenz des Projektes ArchaeoMontan wurde am 23. Oktober 2014 die Wanderausstellung "Silberrausch und Berggeschrey" feierlich in Dippoldiswalde eröffnet. Mehr als 200 Gäste, darunter viele hochrangige Personen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, nahmen an dem Festakt teil. Die Ausstellung kann bis Ende März 2015 in... read more

COP konferenz
· 24.10.2014 ·

Renewable energy production in urban areas

How can cities promote the production of renewable energy in metropolitan areas? Energy experts and politicians from the Cities on Power project regions and beyond were focusing on this challenge at the project’s final conference, which was held in Warsaw  (PL) on 22 Oct. 2014. 150 participants attended the... read more

· 20.10.2014 ·


The WOMEN project participated to the Open Days in Brussels with an event on 7 October 2014. Hosted by the State Representation of Saxony-Anhalt, a transnational forum addressed the situation of young women as key target group for rural development in Europe. Politicians and experts discussed strategies how regions can increase their... read more