Logo Interreg PL SN
· 17.12.2015 ·

Contract to develop a new Polish-German project

The Saxon State Ministry of the Interior has commissioned core-consult to develop the project “Smart Integration” to strengthen and widen the cooperation with the Marshall Office of Lower Silesia. The project will be submitted under the first call of the INTERREG programme for Polish-Saxon cross-border cooperation 2014-2020. The most important... read more

Program: general news

· 24.07.2015 ·

What’s going with Interreg Central Europe?

After more 600 project concepts were submitted in the first stage of Interreg Central Europe’s first call this spring, the Joint Secretariat at Vienna is currently facing the challenge to select the approximately 100 best ideas. Only one in six lead applicants will be invited to participate in the second stage of the call when full applications... read more

Program: general news

· 17.07.2015 ·

Preparatory meeting for INTERREG EUROPE

core-consult is currently preparing a project application for the INTERREG EUROPE Programme on behalf of the Ministry for Regional Development and Transport Saxony-Anhalt ("SKILLS+"). On 6 and 7 July 2015, interested partners from Norway, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia and the Czech Republic met in Berlin to discuss the project... read more

Program: general news

· 15.06.2015 ·

The new Saxon-Czech Programme is launched

The responsible ministers from the Czech Republic and Saxony participated in the Kick-Off Conference for the new Saxon-Czech cross-border cooperation programme last Friday at Dresden. The day before the event, the new programme received its stamp of approval from the European Commission. As of 31 July 2015, the online application portal will be... read more

Program: general news

Logo Interreg PL SN
· 12.06.2015 ·

European Commission adopts INTERREG Poland – Saxony 2014-2020

The cooperation programme INTERREG Poland – Saxony 2014-2020 has been officially approved by the European Commission on 11th June 2015. The cooperation programme has four priorities: natural and cultural resources, regional mobility, cross-border education, partnership and institutional potential. The total budget amounts to some 82,3 million... read more

Program: general news

Logo Interreg Europe
· 12.06.2015 ·

European Commission approves INTERREG EUROPE

core-consult participated in the Lead Applicant Seminar of the INTERREG EUROPE programme on 10 and 11 June 2015 at Brussels. Participants of the event received detailed information regarding the scope of the new programme, the differences in comparison to the predecessor programme INTERREG IVC, and the impacts of these changes on the application... read more

Program: general news

· 12.05.2015 ·

Bicycle route’s opening met by broad enthusiasm

The Karlsroute (Charlemagne’s Route) is a cross-border cycling route between the Saxon town of Eibenstock and the Czech spa city Karlovy Vary, which resulted from a cross-border project developed and managed by core-consult. When the route was officially opened on 9 May 2015, several hundred cyclists attended the official ceremony and gave the... read more

Program: general news

· 06.05.2015 ·

New Saxon-Czech Programme about to be launched

The launch of the new Saxon-Czech Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 is expected before summer. core-consult is currently preparing a number of applications to be submitted as soon as the programme officially starts. Projects selected for funding will begin their work early in... read more

Program: general news

LGS Oelsnitz
· 27.04.2015 ·

Results of core projects at Saxon Gardening Exhibition

Since 24 April 2015 the 7th Saxon Gardening Exhibition is open. Visitors can see results of two projects developed and managed by core-consult in the exhibition area: Funding from the objective-3 cross-border cooperation programme between Saxony and the Czech Republic 2007-2013 were used to erect a Czech-German rendez-vous point, to create a... read more

Program: general news

· 22.04.2015 ·

Overwhelming participation in 1st call of INTERREG CENTRAL

More than 600 project applications were submitted in the 1st call of the transnational INTERREG programme for Central Europe. Because of the overwhelming participation, the programme already adjusted its calendar for the further application process. By 22 September 2015, applicants will be notified whether they may participate in the second phase... read more

Program: general news