· 05.10.2016 ·

Capacity building seminar on new ICT applications

The first capacity building seminar of the SKILLS+ project takes place on 18 October 2016 at Zadar, Croatia. During the event, new approaches and technologies that should facilitate the implementation of digital sales and marketing strategies in small companies will be presented and discussed. The seminar addresses officers from economic promotion... read more

Program: Interreg Europe

Logo Interreg Europe
· 05.10.2016 ·

Another successful application

core-consult was successful yet again in the 2nd Call for project proposals of the INTERREG EUROPE programme. The approved project “OptiTrans” was elaborated of the Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture of Thuringia as Lead Partner. Thematically the project addresses the optimization of public transport plans in suburban region.... read more

Program: Interreg Europe

· 23.09.2016 ·

Cross-border project for vocational orientation for school students

A cross-border project is planned to improve the vocational orientation of school students in Upper Lusatia and the nearby Liberec region. The project will be promoted by a subsidiary company of the City of Löbau which also hosts a major regional product fair. The main activity will be a cross-border student competition. Core-consult has been... read more

Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 21.09.2016 ·

core-consult contracted to support cycling project

On behalf of the Zweckverband Muldentalradweg, an inter-municipality cooperation body created by Saxon local public authorities, core-consult will support the realisation of a cross-border project to enhance the cycling route between Chemnitz and Karlovy Vary. Besides improvements of the cycling tracks, the project focusses on enhancing the... read more

Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 21.09.2016 ·

Lifelong learning for core-consult staff

Staff of core-consult participate in two seminars regarding the project and financial management of the European cooperation programmes INTERREG EUROPE and INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE. The seminars that take place at Vienna and Athens focus on the eligibility of expenditure and reporting. Both programmes use specific online platforms for project... read more

Program: Central Europe, Interreg Europe

· 19.09.2016 ·

Kick-Off of RUMOBIL

The partners of the RUMOBIL project have had their kick-off meeting on 15 & 16 September 2016 at Nagykálló, Hungary. The meeting was used to get to know each other, to plan first tasks and to constitute the Steering Group of the project. The project aims to develop new solutions to provide public transport in rural... read more

Program: Central Europe

· 13.09.2016 ·

Joint database for archaeologists’ research in the Ore Mountains

A work meeting on 12 September 2016 was used to elaborate a joint knowledge base (database) to collect archaeological findings regarding the medieval mining activities. The database will provide scientists active in both Saxony and the Czech Republic to store and research the results of the ArchaeoMontan 2018 project.... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 05.08.2016 ·

10 applications for federal funding received

A total of ten applications for funding from the German federal transnational cooperation programme were received when the deadline on 15 July 2016 lapsed. In the coming months, the proposal will be evaluated. Applicants will be informed about the outcome in autumn... read more

Program: general news

· 03.08.2016 ·

Constructions launched in Krupka

Surrounded by media representatives, Krupka’s mayor Dr. Zdeněk Matouš and Dr. Christiane Hemker, Head of Project ArchaeoMontan 2018, formally inaugurated the building site of the info-point in the Czech town. Constructions are expected to be finalised late in 2017. After completion, tourists will be able to find information about the planned... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 18.07.2016 ·

Travelling exhibition opened in Altzella

A travelling exhibition themed on medieval mining in the Ore Mountains, produced in 2014/2015 as result of the cross-border project ArchaeoMontan, has been opened in Altzella on 15 July 2016. There, the exhibition can be visited until 31 October... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic