· 13.04.2017 ·

Two new projects for core-consult

Two very good news reached us shortly before Easter: From now on, core-consult will support the transnational project ChemMultiModal (INTERREG Central Europe) and the cross-border project “Command: Help!” (INTERREG Poland-Saxony) as external project management. While the first project aims to promote the use of rail transport for chemical... read more

Program: Central Europe, Saxony-Poland

· 03.04.2017 ·

Mid-term Conference of ArchaeoMontan 2018

More than 100 persons participated last Thursday and Friday at the international conference Krušná krajina – Erz(gebirgs)landschaft – Ore Landscape in the Czech city of Kadaň. The event was used to present the first results of the cross-border project investigating medieval mining in the Ore Mountains.... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 29.03.2017 ·

Evaluation of the INTERREG V A cross-border programme between Saxony and the Czech Republic

core-consult is member of an international consortium for the evaluation of the cross-border INTERREG programme between Saxony and the Czech Republic 2014-2020. The consortium is coordinated by METIS (Vienna, Austria) with RoyalHaskoning DHV (Prague, Czech Republic) being another contractee. The aim of the evaluation carried out for the... read more

Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 27.03.2017 ·

First milestone of SKILLS+ achieved

The realisation of the third and last capacity building seminar at Riga this week concludes the activities of the project's first milestone. The next activities are now peer reviews of all participating regions/countries until the end of 2017. Small teams made out of partner representatives and stakeholders will visit each partner to get insights... read more

Program: Interreg Europe

· 21.03.2017 ·

And the success story continues

core-consult has been successful with two applications in the second round of the INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE programme. Virtual Arch, led by the State Office for Archeology Saxony, will deal with new opportunities to use digital technologies (e.g. virtual reality) to visualise hidden cultural heritage. In the second project, SubNodes, the role of... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Central Europe

· 20.03.2017 ·

Partnership contract between Lower Silesia and Saxony signed

The responsible Director of the Department of Land development, surveying, sports  of the Saxon State Ministry of the Interior, Max Winter, and his peer, Director of the Department of regional development  within the Marschall Office of the Voivodship of Lower Silesia, Zbigniew Dynak, Director of the Institute for Territorial Development, Dr.... read more

Program: Saxony-Poland

· 15.03.2017 ·

Pilot project preparation on track

After exactly 25 per cent or 9 out of 36 months of RUMOBIL’s project lifetime had been completed, it was time for the partnership to engage in a workshop to discuss the achieved learning and to plan the upcoming activities. Before the meeting commenced, the hosting partner HŽ PP, the Croatian national rail company, invited the entire... read more

Program: Central Europe

· 22.02.2017 ·

Second INTERREG EUROPE project

core-consult has been tasked to support after SKILLS+ another project funded by the INTERREG EUROPE programme, titled "OptiTrans". Its lead partner is Thuringia's Ministry for Infrastruture and Agriculture. Together with six other European partners, new approaches to enhance low-carbon mobility in sub-urban areas will be... read more

Program: Interreg Europe

Logo Interreg PL SN
· 31.01.2017 ·

Cross-border application on education submitted

In recent weeks, core-consult has elaborated a cross-border project for the second call for funding of the priority axis on cross-border education of the INTERREG programme between Poland and Saxony 2014-2020. The project addresses educational programmes on culture and improvements of the collaboration between museums and schools. Lead partner of... read more

Topic: Education
Program: Saxony-Poland

Logo Interreg PL SN
· 31.01.2017 ·

New project management contract

In a public tender, core-consult has won the contract to assist the Saxon-Polish project “Smart Integration” between February 2017 and January 2020 as External Management Center. Among the results of the project will be a study analyzing the development potentials of the boarder... read more

Program: Saxony-Poland