· 03.05.2018 ·

Development of conflict management strategies

On the 23 and 24 of April 2018, within the project MineLife, a two-day workshop in Demitz-Thumitz took place. One of the main objectives was to analyze the conflicts caused by active mining, to learn about the procedures in conflict management in the partner country and to compare the proposed solutions in both countries. There are two more... read more

Topic: Institutional capacities, Urban and rural development
Program: Saxony-Poland

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· 15.03.2018 ·

Successful project development in cross-border programme Poland-Saxony

When the Monitoring Committee of the cross-border INTERREG cooperation programme between Poland and Saxony 2014-2020 met for the 8th time on February 27, 2018, its members took the decision to award funding from the programme for the project "Science as Adventure" that has been elaborated by core-consult. The project will be implemented in the... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Poland

· 21.12.2017 ·

Next meetings among partners of KOM(M)ANDO “ZUR HILFE! / NA POMOC”

A number of work meetings were held by partners of the Saxon-Polish cross-border project KOM(M)ANDO “ZUR HILFE! / NA POMOC”. Representatives of Löbau municipality, Luban district, the voluntary fire brigade from Löbau and the fire brigade of the Luban district discussed joint activities including trainings and guidelines for deployments to... read more

Topic: Civic protection
Program: Saxony-Poland

· 15.12.2017 ·

Intensification of cooperation for mining in the Saxon-Polish border area

On 16 November 2017, the first joint conference of the Saxon and Polish mining authorities took place. During the conference i.a. the need for cooperation between the neighbours was strongly emphasized. For centuries, both in Saxony and Lower Silesia, mining has been an engine of economic development. Even today, this sector is very important for... read more

Program: Saxony-Poland

· 08.12.2017 ·

2nd Meeting of the project team of Smart Integration

The project team of Smart Integration met on December 7 and 8, 2017, in Dresden to exchange and discuss current cross-border activities and to plan  events for 2018. Next year's highlights include a forum to present mid-term results of the strategy of the Saxon-Polish border area and a convent of municipalities located in the programme area. In... read more

Program: Saxony-Poland

· 17.08.2017 ·

Planning further site-visits

Partners of the MineLife project met on 9 August 2017 at Wroclaw to plan further site-visits to active and former mining locations in the Saxon-Polish border area. The project promotes the exchange of knowledge and increase of capacities on mining technologies, legal procedures to grant mining concessions and conflict management strategies through... read more

Program: Saxony-Poland

· 03.07.2017 ·

Thematic excursion to Sulików

On 29 and 30 June, the first study trip within the Polish-Saxon INTERREG project "MineLife" took place. The aim of the visit was the Basalt Mine in Sulików, where the Project Partners had the opportunity to listen to the presentations on applied technologies, problem areas and the biggest challenges, that the mine is facing. The presentations... read more

Program: Saxony-Poland

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· 26.04.2017 ·

New project contract

core-consult has won the public tender for the external management of the cross-border project MineLife. Lead Partner of the project is the Saxon Mining Office. In Poland, the Marshall Office of the Lower Silesian voivodship and the Polish Mining Authority complement the partnership. MineLife is already the third project funded by the INTERREG... read more

Program: Saxony-Poland

· 13.04.2017 ·

Two new projects for core-consult

Two very good news reached us shortly before Easter: From now on, core-consult will support the transnational project ChemMultiModal (INTERREG Central Europe) and the cross-border project “Command: Help!” (INTERREG Poland-Saxony) as external project management. While the first project aims to promote the use of rail transport for chemical... read more

Program: Central Europe, Saxony-Poland

· 20.03.2017 ·

Partnership contract between Lower Silesia and Saxony signed

The responsible Director of the Department of Land development, surveying, sports  of the Saxon State Ministry of the Interior, Max Winter, and his peer, Director of the Department of regional development  within the Marschall Office of the Voivodship of Lower Silesia, Zbigniew Dynak, Director of the Institute for Territorial Development, Dr.... read more

Program: Saxony-Poland