· 15.12.2017 ·

Partner meetings “ArchaeoMontan 2018” and “Our World Heritage” in Freiberg

On December 4 and 5, partners of the cross-border projects ArchaeoMontan 2018 and "Our World Heritage" met at Freiberg (DE) to coordinate the project realisation. For ArchaeoMontan 2018, the meeting was mainly used to plan the final activities of the project which terminates in August 2018. Partners of "Our World Heritage" in turn have only begun... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 26.06.2017 ·

Kick-off for Our World Heritage

Around 70 representatives from mining, cultural heritage and education came together for the kick-off event of the project "Unser WeltErbe - die montane Kulturlandschaft Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří" (Our World Heritage - The Ore Mountains cultural landscape). Participants discussed in three workshops the challenges and opportunities of the... read more

Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 03.04.2017 ·

Mid-term Conference of ArchaeoMontan 2018

More than 100 persons participated last Thursday and Friday at the international conference Krušná krajina – Erz(gebirgs)landschaft – Ore Landscape in the Czech city of Kadaň. The event was used to present the first results of the cross-border project investigating medieval mining in the Ore Mountains.... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 29.03.2017 ·

Evaluation of the INTERREG V A cross-border programme between Saxony and the Czech Republic

core-consult is member of an international consortium for the evaluation of the cross-border INTERREG programme between Saxony and the Czech Republic 2014-2020. The consortium is coordinated by METIS (Vienna, Austria) with RoyalHaskoning DHV (Prague, Czech Republic) being another contractee. The aim of the evaluation carried out for the... read more

Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 30.01.2017 ·

Karlsroute II is en route

Czech and German partners of the project aiming to improve the cycling route between Chemnitz and Karlovy Vary met on 12 January 2017 to agree on a detailed timetable for infrastructure investments. Cyclists will benefit from new and better marked trails in... read more

Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 23.11.2016 ·

New discoveries in the Ore Mountains

When the ArchaeoMontan 2018 work group met on 21/11/2016 at Freiberg, partners were reporting a number of new archeological discoveries that were made in recent weeks. While Czech partners were able to prove the vast extension of the abandoned former medieval miners’ town near Kremsiger, a previously unknown system of mines was discovered below... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 23.09.2016 ·

Cross-border project for vocational orientation for school students

A cross-border project is planned to improve the vocational orientation of school students in Upper Lusatia and the nearby Liberec region. The project will be promoted by a subsidiary company of the City of Löbau which also hosts a major regional product fair. The main activity will be a cross-border student competition. Core-consult has been... read more

Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 21.09.2016 ·

core-consult contracted to support cycling project

On behalf of the Zweckverband Muldentalradweg, an inter-municipality cooperation body created by Saxon local public authorities, core-consult will support the realisation of a cross-border project to enhance the cycling route between Chemnitz and Karlovy Vary. Besides improvements of the cycling tracks, the project focusses on enhancing the... read more

Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 13.09.2016 ·

Joint database for archaeologists’ research in the Ore Mountains

A work meeting on 12 September 2016 was used to elaborate a joint knowledge base (database) to collect archaeological findings regarding the medieval mining activities. The database will provide scientists active in both Saxony and the Czech Republic to store and research the results of the ArchaeoMontan 2018 project.... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic

· 03.08.2016 ·

Constructions launched in Krupka

Surrounded by media representatives, Krupka’s mayor Dr. Zdeněk Matouš and Dr. Christiane Hemker, Head of Project ArchaeoMontan 2018, formally inaugurated the building site of the info-point in the Czech town. Constructions are expected to be finalised late in 2017. After completion, tourists will be able to find information about the planned... read more

Topic: Cultural heritage
Program: Saxony-Czech Republic