· 27.03.2017 ·

First milestone of SKILLS+ achieved

The realisation of the third and last capacity building seminar at Riga this week concludes the activities of the project's first milestone. The next activities are now peer reviews of all participating regions/countries until the end of 2017. Small teams made out of partner representatives and stakeholders will visit each partner to get insights... read more

Program: Interreg Europe

· 22.02.2017 ·

Second INTERREG EUROPE project

core-consult has been tasked to support after SKILLS+ another project funded by the INTERREG EUROPE programme, titled "OptiTrans". Its lead partner is Thuringia's Ministry for Infrastruture and Agriculture. Together with six other European partners, new approaches to enhance low-carbon mobility in sub-urban areas will be... read more

Program: Interreg Europe

· 16.12.2016 ·

Stakeholder meeting at Magdeburg

Representatives of economic chambers, young entrepreneurs, other public bodies and Harz University of Applied Sciences took part in the first stakeholder meeting of the SKILLS+project on 15/12/2016 at Magdeburg. The stakeholders were asked to closely follow the project realization, to present their points of view and recommendations. The project... read more

Program: Interreg Europe

· 05.12.2016 ·

The human factor

On 29/11/2016, the second seminar of the SKILLS+ project was realised in the Hungarian city of Györ. There, strategies and programmes promoting the digital skills of employees of small enterprises were shared and discussed. Much interest was triggered by a presentation of a voucher system introduced in the Polish voivodship of Małopolska which... read more

Program: Interreg Europe

· 05.10.2016 ·

Capacity building seminar on new ICT applications

The first capacity building seminar of the SKILLS+ project takes place on 18 October 2016 at Zadar, Croatia. During the event, new approaches and technologies that should facilitate the implementation of digital sales and marketing strategies in small companies will be presented and discussed. The seminar addresses officers from economic promotion... read more

Program: Interreg Europe

Logo Interreg Europe
· 05.10.2016 ·

Another successful application

core-consult was successful yet again in the 2nd Call for project proposals of the INTERREG EUROPE programme. The approved project “OptiTrans” was elaborated of the Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture of Thuringia as Lead Partner. Thematically the project addresses the optimization of public transport plans in suburban region.... read more

Program: Interreg Europe

· 21.09.2016 ·

Lifelong learning for core-consult staff

Staff of core-consult participate in two seminars regarding the project and financial management of the European cooperation programmes INTERREG EUROPE and INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE. The seminars that take place at Vienna and Athens focus on the eligibility of expenditure and reporting. Both programmes use specific online platforms for project... read more

Program: Central Europe, Interreg Europe

· 15.07.2016 ·

Planning RUMOBIL launch with WP leaders

To use the different expertise of the leading partners in the launch of the exchange of experience and first thematic activities of the RUMOBIL project, a meeting among the work package leaders took place on 12 & 13 July 2016 at Berlin. Participants agreed on methodologies to capitalise existing knowledge of the partners in the first phase of... read more

Program: Central Europe, Interreg Europe

· 07.07.2016 ·

RUMOBIL management awarded to core

core-consult will support in the implementation of the RUMOBIL project (INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE) after having won a public tender. The transnational project addresses the connection of rural and peripheral areas to European and national public transport networks. The project is led by Saxony-Anhalt’s Ministry for Regional Development and... read more

Program: Central Europe, Interreg Europe

· 22.04.2016 ·

Double success in INTERREG Central Europe’s first application round

core-consult is enjoying a double success in the first call for applications of the INTERREG programme for Central Europe. In the transport priority, RUMOBIL has been selected for funding. The project was elaborated by core-consult with Saxony-Anhalt's Ministry for Regional Development and Transport as Lead Partner. The project addresses the... read more

Program: Interreg Europe